Τετάρτη 25 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Dark Protector by Celia Aaron

33792691Dark Protector(Celia Aaron)


From the moment I saw her through the window of her flower shop, something other than darkness took root inside me. Charlie shone like a beacon in a world that had long since lost any light. But she was never meant for me, a man that killed without remorse and collected bounties drenched in blood.
I thought staying away would keep her safe, would shield her from me. I was wrong. Danger followed in my wake like death at a slaughter house. I protected her from the threats that circled like black buzzards, kept her safe with kill after kill.
But everything comes with a price, especially second chances for a man like me.
Killing for her was easy. It was living for her that turned out to be the hard part.


"The moment I saw you, something inside me -something I thought it died a long time ago- clicked. I didn't realise it then, but I do now. You're it for me. The first, the last, the only person I want to touch or taste. The only one I want to kill for. The one I'd die for.

Conrad aka Con is:
-an amateur stalker (Charlie knew that he was stalking her for months)
-a professional killer (who only kills, if he is paid to kill) and
-a complete idiot (who does not realise that his enemies will follow him and learn that he likes a girl)

Charlie is:
-a florist who loves her job (she is kidnapped and she thinks of the flowers in her shop that are going to brown and die)
-a survival expert (she can remove bullets from wounds and kill and skin rabbits for dinner) and
-truly attracted to the dark side of Con
("you want to know how evil i am? How many souls I've claimed?"
"I've ripped men's throats out. Spit their blood on the floor as they as they writhed and die."
"I've strangled men with my bare hands. I would do it all again. No hesitation. Do you know why I'd do it all again?"
"Because it led me to you."

Luckily they will fall in love with each other and they will try to survive the hell that has broken loose because of Con's enemies.

The book has:
Lots of killings, blood, love, tatoos, secrets, sad childhood stories, flowers, explosions AND a great epilogue.
I had my fun. 

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